
It's been a while..

I am so so sorry for being absent for 6 weeks or so. It has no specific reason, but lets just say I was not in the mood. And believe me having the mood to blog just makes the blog post 100 times better rather than forcing yourself. Since in the end it won't  be worth it anyways.

Now, I will come back to my schedule so, I will try to post every week once or twice *fingers crossed*. I have prepared a 'review' about a concert when I went to in Spain (bare in mind it was quiet a while ago) and my sister's friend talking about his experience flying with Airbus. So I have been on here just haven't posted anything. I apologise again and I wanted to thank all the followers I have gotten since my last post. :)


I don't really know what to think about this quote neither I understand it fully nor can I even relate to it. But something about this picture makes sense which would be, that if we all humans really had no money we would be equal(ly treated).

Q: What do you think about this quote? Can you relate?

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